Uplink App
Download the Uplink App, register your existing (or new) routers, become part of the Uplink ecosystem!
Last updated
Download the Uplink App, register your existing (or new) routers, become part of the Uplink ecosystem!
Last updated
The Uplink App is where you'll create an account, register routers on the Uplink platform, validate the connection to start earning daily points and more! Uplink is a cross-functional platform with the Portal and Explorer. The Uplink App will be a center point for all on-chain activations which will go live with our Testnet!
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xyz.uplink.uplink
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/app/id6739225811
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xyz.uplink.uplink
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/app/id6739225811
Login with your existing Uplink credentials or register as a new user.
Connect to your Wi-Fi, see your router's name on the homescreen, click "Register" and follow the steps to register your router. You can do complete this process with as many routers as you have access to.
Check the main Dashboard for LIVE surge events. When you register a router in a surge location, you'll earn multiplier points!
Refer friends with routers to the Uplink platform, have them register a router with the Uplink App and start earning bonus and commission points! Learn more on the Referral Program section.
See how your earnings within the Uplink platform stack up to others within the Uplink ecosystem. We've gamified the Uplink Platform, winners will receive various rewards through our partnerships. More info regarding the Uplink Points System will be shared at a later date. To learn how to earn the most points, make sure to read the Uplink Points section.
Check out all Coverage and Surge locations on the Explorer and see how fast our ecosystem is growing and areas we still the community to help map and verify.
This is where you can manage your registered networks. Here you can select any of your registered routers to see when you last connected, general information about your router, and delete your router.
Note: Router deletion permanently deletes your router from the Uplink platform and all association Uplink points. If you delete a router by mistake, you can always register the network again.
This consists of the general settings of your account. It consists of the following information:
Profile information - this allows you to edit your name and country. Nickname, email, and avatar updates will be available at a later date.
My Points - This is an all-inclusive view of the points platform with a list of all point-earning activities. You can view the last 60 days.
Terms of Service & Privacy Policy
Delete Account & Logout
Seamlessly connect to the Uplink App and connect to any verified router within the Uplink Network. No more finding Wi-Fi, no more passwords.
[Coming soon!]
This helps understand your Wi-Fi's reach, identify coverage gaps and understand your router's quality of service (QoS).
[Coming soon!]
Add more routers to the Uplink Explorer and ecosystem. Hint: there are 3M+ access points waiting to be mapped and added as a verified router to Uplink network! Earn rewards for growing the ecosystem.
[Coming soon!]